December 20, 2012 – We’ve applied a bugfix update to our cloud product today.  This update addresses several issues including:

  • Show drag and drop shadow for Firefox
  • Fix setting of sharing password
  • Several sharing fixes
  • Fix versioning during sharing
  • Fix mounting of external filesystems
  • Fix several PHP warnings
  • Show /Shared as standard directory
  • Fix WebDAV quota enforement
  • Restore send sharing link by email
  • Fix mimetype icons for new files
  • Fix the folder size calculation
  • Fix for deleting multiple files
  • Security: Auth bypass in user_webdavauth and user_ldap
  • Security: XSS vulnerability in bookmarks


The desktop sync client has also been updated.  The new version is 1.1.4.

This is a bugfix release for the 1.1.x line that fixes two significant bugs.

  • [Fixes] csync: Fix encoding issues on MacOSX clients, now the client sends normalized unicode on that platform.
  • [Fixes] csync: The client does a more sophisticated handling of server error states which avoids data clearing in some cases.

Known Problems

  • Files > 2GB size can cause problems.