We have updated our NetSol Cloud offering with some new features to make it even more useful!  In addition to fixing bugs and improving performance, we’ve added these features:

  • Versioning  – Now as you make changes to your files, the Cloud keeps track of the version so you can revert back to previous ones
  • Drag and Drop Upload – Instead of hitting the upload button and browsing to the file you want to send, you can now just drag files into the browser to send them to the cloud
  • Tasks – Integrated To Do list
  • Calendars – Now you can share your calendar with other users!
  • Desktop Sync Clients – Now, you can have a copy of your data on your computer as well as in the NetSol Cloud so you can use your files offline
  • Other Enhancements – Improvements to the Gallery, notifications when files are shared, and many others!


We will be releasing more documentation with detailed usage instructions so you can start taking advantage of these new features soon.  However, if you need any help, please contact us at 256-547-6817 or support@internetpro.net.