October 24, 2016 – We will be performing some emergency maintenance on Thursday, October 27, 2016 to address a critical Linux kernel vulnerability (CVE-2016-5195).  The bug is actively being exploited in the wild so we need to get the patch in place as soon as possible.  As a result, we will be operating in a maintenace window outside of our normal maintenance hours.   Maintenance will begin at 5:00pm on Thursday, October 27th.   We will do our best to minimize downtime for each host and all hosts will not be down at the same time.  However, all hosts will be affected at some point during the maintenance window.  This particular fix will require a reboot of each affected server including virtual private servers (VPS).

During the maintenance window, we will also be taking the opportunity to upgrade hardware on a limited number of servers.  This will result in a slightly longer downtime for those machines, but this will be a subset of the hosts affected by this vulnerability.


October 27 Update 6:40pm – Our website that you are currently reading was down for a bit while the upgrade was being performed.  As you can see, it is now up and we don’t expect any further interruptions on this site.  Many servers have been updated successfully, but there are still many more to go.  We will keep you posted as progress is made.

Update 8:25pm  – We encountered an unanticipated hardware failure on reboot of one of the servers.  We are working to correct it.

Update 9:55pm  – Things are still progressing.  We’ve handled the hardware failure and taken the opportunity to upgrade some virtual server hardware.  Many customers with VPS machines should notice a significant improvement in responsiveness.  We still have some machines to go and are working to test systems to make sure nothing is missed.

Update 11:00pm – We have completed the upgrades and patches.  All services should be working normally or better.  If you have an issue, please contact us at 256-547-6817 or support@internetpro.net.


If you have any questions or concerns about the maintenance being performed or the scheduling, please call 256-547-6817 or email us at support@internetpro.net.  We will be posting updates here as the maintenance progresses.