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Adobe Flash Update Breaks Dentrix
We have learned that the Adobe Flash Player Update that was released on 12/28/2015 has caused major issues is the functionality of Dentrix. The most prominent issue we have seen that is that the Treatment Planner is unable to print. When this happens an error box will appear stating that is has preformed an Unhandled Exception instead of displaying the print dialog.
To resolve this issue follow the following steps:
- Close all Dentrix programs.
- Uninstall Adobe Flash Player from your Computer using the uninstall tool provided by Adobe. Download the Adobe Flash Uninstaller Here.
- Once the uninstall has completed reboot your computer.
- Once you have logged back into your computer, download the Dentrix recommended version of Adobe Flash Player. Version You can download the files needed Here.
- Once downloaded Unzip the file folder and go to <Unziped File Folder>\fp_20.0.0.228_archive\20_0_d_0228\ and double click the file named flashplayer20_0d0_228_winax.msi
- Once the install has completed open your control panel and tell it to show large icons in the upper right hand corner of the window. Open the console labeled Flash 32bit. Click the Update tab and select the radial button for never check for updates.
If you still are having issues after applying this fix or are not comfortable making these changes please call our support technicians at 256-547-6817 and we will be glad to help resolve the issue for you.
Thank you and have a Happy New Years!