This category contains information about events that may affect your service such as maintenance or outages. It also contains announcements on new products releases and enhancements.
Phone Line Trouble
March 28, 2106 – 10:00am: We are experiencing issues with our phone lines resulting in callers getting a busy signal when trying to reach us. We are also having trouble calling out. A very few calls are able to come through, but not all. If you are having trouble, please try reaching us at and we will do our best to contact you. We have contacted our phone provider and are working to resolve the problem. Updates will be posted here as soon as we have them.
11:30am – Our phone services have been restored. Apparently, the SIP password for our upstream connection was cracked and our lines were being used by third-parties to make unauthorized calls. This used all of the call paths we are authorized for and caused our lines to be busy.