Increase in Phishing Attempts
October 30, 2020 – We’ve been seeing an uptick in phishing attempts in the last couple of days and wanted to remind users that Network Solutions, Inc. will never reach out to you through email to confirm your password. These emails are attempts for spammers to get your password so they can use your account to send spam through it. Overnight, our support email box received at least 8 of these email attempts. Fortunately, our spam filtering system sent all of these to the SPAM folder and that should be your first clue to not trust these emails. The most common right now is a “security alert” which states that a new device has accessed your account. It looks like the screenshot below:
Another attempt is asking for verification on your webmail. Notice that it looks nothing like our webmail. That version looks like this:
Please be vigilant when checking your email. It is important to make sure links look legitimate and if someone is asking for passwords, it is most likely a scam. Our technical support team is available to answer questions you might have about suspicious emails, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via phone at 256-547-6817, email or chat using the chat bubble on the lower right of your screen.