Hosted Exchange Problem
February 8, 2021 – We’ve identified an issue with our hosted Exchange platform which is causing delays in receiving email. Email can be sent from customers without error, but that email is also not properly being delivered in a timely manner. No email is being lost, but it is being queued for retry later. This issue seems to have been happening a few hours as of 2:45pm. We are investigating the cause and working on a resolution. Updates will be posted here.
Update 3:10pm – We’ve identified the issue as a forced update by the antivirus/antispam software being used. It is an “engine update” which requires a reboot/reload of services. Those actions are being performed now, but due to the size/nature of the servers and services, it does take a bit of time to complete. We do not currently have an estimated time, but the work is in progress.
Update 3:45pm – Services are beginning to come back online. We expect full restoration shortly.
Update 3:52pm – Internal testing indicates everything is fully back online. If you are a hosted Exchange customer, expect email to begin coming in now if you haven’t already seen some. It may take a little while for emails sent earlier in the day to reach your Inbox, but they should all arrive with no further issues. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact us via, 256-547-6817, or utilize the chat window to the lower right of your screen.