
About tnolen

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So far tnolen has created 307 blog entries.

Email System Maintenance

June 18, 2022 1:00pm – We are performing some required maintenance on the email system.  There will be some brief interruptions in client (email program) connectivity and webmail availability.  As part of this maintenance, we will also be performing some updates to security as well as usability including some modernizing of the webmail system.  No email will be lost, but there may be some slight delivery delays.  We’ll be posting updates here.  If you have any questions, please give us a call at 256-547-6817 as email to may be affected.


Update 1:50pm – This maintenance has been completed with very minimal interruption to customers.  If your email program had been left open during this maintenance, it is possible that it may prompt for a password.  Closing the email program and re-opening should resolve this.  As long as you do not enter a new password, the email program will remember the correct one which was being used.

Update 5:30pm – A customer notified us of an issue when connecting using SSL on port 465.   This was a result of our maintenance and has been corrected.


In initial testing, we are seeing a noticeable speedup in the web interfaces for our system.  In the coming months, we’ll be rolling out some additional features on the groundwork put in place today.   The older Tuxedo interface has now been replaced by the “New Tuxedo” version with more features and better performance.

If you have any questions or concerns about the work performed, please contact us at 256-547-6817 or email



2022-06-18T17:38:38-05:00June 18, 2022|News and Updates|Comments Off on Email System Maintenance

Certificate Updates

June 9, 2022 – We will be renewing a wildcard secure certificate today (*  This certificate protects/encrypts many pages and services including POP3, IMAP, SMTP, and web services on multiple servers.  There may be a brief interruption of these services as we load the new certificate.  This is a trusted certificate, so you should not get any errors during the process.  However, Apple devices sometimes do not handle certificate renewals well, so if you do get an error, please let us know by emailing, calling 256-547-6817, or using the chat window on this page.

We will post an update when the work is complete.


Update:  11:30am – This work has been completed.  We did not detect any issues or downtime at all.  Please let us know if you are experiencing issues which may be related.



2022-06-09T11:29:13-05:00June 9, 2022|News and Updates|Comments Off on Certificate Updates

Siptrunk Issue

May 7, 2022 – It has come to our attention that some customers are having trouble receiving calls.  Last night, around 10:30pm CDT, apparently had some sort of outage.  We did notice that most customer phone systems lost registration to the service.  However, after about 45 minutes, systems re-registered and seemed to be normal.   This morning, we are finding that the phone systems are able to make calls out, but that something we assume is related to the outage is preventing calls from coming in.  Customers with failover options in place at are receiving calls using those options.   This also affected our office.   The solution is to force the phone system itself to re-register with the trunk.  Another option would be a reboot of the phone system itself.   We are in the process of proactively connecting to customer systems to re-register their trunks, but wanted to post this message in case we missed anyone.  This issue does seem to only be affecting customers using 3CX phone systems.

Update: 12:40pm – We continue to see upstream issues.  We were in the process of registration of customer phone systems as stated above when registration was lost again on many of them. states that they are having “routing problems with” but we are now seeing an invalid certificate at and we are unable to call them or log in to their page, so there is definitely more going on than just some “routing problems”.   We will continue to try to get more information and will post updates here.


Update: 12:55pm – We received this response: “Datacenters are hard down right now.”     We’ll let you know anything further as information comes in to us.

Update 1:05pm – New information from  “Looks like everything is coming back up. Issues with gw1 are still present.”

Update 1:20pm – reports that everything should be back to normal.   We are continuing to check customer phone systems to confirm.

Update 1:45pm – Things seem to be returning to normal.  We are now seeing systems re-registering themselves instead of having to be done manually.  If you are still experiencing issues, please let us know by calling 256-547-6817 and choosing 8 for support if it is during the weekend or emailing

2022-05-07T13:48:24-05:00May 7, 2022|News and Updates, VOIP|Comments Off on Siptrunk Issue

Server Maintenance

April 16, 2022 – We’re doing some needed server maintenance this Easter weekend to minimize business impact.   During the maintenance, some websites may briefly go offline.   If you see anything unusual on your website, please let us know by emailing   These updates do include some PHP version changes, but they should be non-breaking changes.


2022-04-16T10:17:53-05:00April 16, 2022|News and Updates|Comments Off on Server Maintenance

Web Server Issue

March 4, 2022 – 10:00am – One of our web servers has suffered a failure that is affecting some of our shared hosting sites.  We are working to address the problem.  Originally, a RAID array lost a drive and it was replaced as normal, but apparently the rebuild process failed and we are seeing degradation in service.  We will be posting updates here as we have them.

Update 1:45pm – The server with the failed RAID array is currently offline as we work to repair the issue. Some sites will be offline until this process is completed. We will update this post with further information as we continue the repairs.

Update 6:45pm – We’ve recovered the filesystem, but unfortunately have some corruption in the database system of the affected server.  We’re working on restoring from backups but are running into some corruption issues.

Update 10:30pm  – We have successfully restored a few sites and have a procedure for restoring the rest.  Sites will be coming up as we restore them.

Update 11:15pm – We believe all sites except for one have been restored to full functionality and we have informed the owners of the affected site.   If you are still experiencing an issue with your website, please email us at to let us know and we will investigate it further.  We do apologize for this issue.

March 5, 2022 – 8:30am – We’re going to attempt one last effort to get the one website still having issues recovered.  The effort will affect all other sites briefly.  We’ll update here as to the success or failure and the conclusion of the event.

Update 8:50am – Failure.   The site in question was in the midst of a redesign, so we’re pressing forward with that.  There should be no more service interruptions related to this outage.




2022-03-05T09:11:43-06:00March 4, 2022|News and Updates|Comments Off on Web Server Issue

More Phisihing Emails

February 15, 2022 – We’re seeing a new batch of phishing emails seeking to harvest usernames and passwords from the email system. Please remember that we will never send out emails asking you to verify your passwords.  It is important to stay diligent regarding these types of communications – not just with our email but with things like your bank account, taxes, social media, or any other login you have.  Here is an example of what is being sent today:


If you have any questions or have already interacted with this email, please email us at, call 256-547-6817, or use the chat window in the lower right of your screen.


2022-02-15T10:08:13-06:00February 15, 2022|News and Updates|Comments Off on More Phisihing Emails

Covid Strikes

January 17, 2022 – Well, we made it through 2 years of the pandemic before Covid hit our office, but it has come with a vengeance.  For the next few days, we may not be able to respond as quickly as normal for service calls due to a large portion of our staff being sick and/or quarantined.   We will be doing as much as we can using our remote tools such as iFoye to reduce further exposure.   Please bear with us as we work through the process of getting our staff better.

Some staff working remotely are also having a bit of trouble talking on the phone due to coughing, so if possible, we recommend the chat box at the lower right of your browser or email if possible.

Normally, the virus icon is reserved for computer viruses, but I thought it was appropriate today…


Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Update January 18, 2022 – We have yet another staff member out today, so our ability to respond continues to be limited.

Update January 21, 2022 – More staff members are out.  We will most likely be closed today for lunch from 1:00 to 2:00pm.  We apologize for the inconvenience.


2022-01-21T10:44:07-06:00January 17, 2022|News and Updates|Comments Off on Covid Strikes

Exchange Y2K22 Bug

January 1, 2022  12:00pm – Happy New Year!  The new year brings more of the same old problems.  In this case, a bug in the anti-malware engine of Microsoft Exchange servers has caused email delivery to stop.  Customers who have their own on premise Exchange server will be affected by this.   There is no official patch just yet.   The bug is in the anti-malware service on these servers and the current work around is to stop this service.  You can find an article with more information about this bug here.

Email delivery will be delayed and senders who send to people using these Exchange servers may/will receive a “delayed delivery notification”.   As long as the issue has been addressed within a few days, those emails will eventually be delivered.  If any sender has a short retry time setup on their email, they will receive a second “failure notice” indicating that the email did not go through and will not be tried any longer.   The industry standard is for email delivery to be retried 5 days, but this can be adjusted by individual email operators.


If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at Please keep in mind that our office is closed for the holiday, so you may not receive an immediate response.   We are working on implementing the workaround for customers with proactive support contracts and those who report the issue to us and wish it fixed at holiday/after hours rates. This will allow the email to be delivered.  For others, we will be rolling out the workaround or fix if it has been rolled out during normal business hours Monday.


Update – Microsoft has released an emergency fix which does require manual application.   We are working to put this fix in place at normal rates for affected customers.


2022-01-02T20:28:16-06:00January 1, 2022|News and Updates|Comments Off on Exchange Y2K22 Bug

3CX Update

December 8, 2021 – The 3CX company has updated the Chrome extension many of our customers were using.  They actually have replaced the old extension with a new “Click2Call” extension.  The new extension does not have the same functionality as the old one with the small window showing phone controls, presence, etc.   The new extension only allows you to click phone numbers in your browser to initiate a call.   The full web client is still available, but for those who want the smaller popup window, you will need to install the new Windows desktop app.

For customers under maintenance with Network Solutions, Inc., we’ll be glad to provide free assistance and instruction for updating to the new desktop app for Windows users.  Users of Mac or Linux will need to use the web client as the desktop app is not available.  It is possible to load the old extension for Mac and Linux, but it will stop working completely in June 2022 when it is removed from the Chrome app store.

To install the desktop app yourself, simply navigate to the web client (most of our customers have this bookmarked).  It is something along the lines of usually.    Once logged in, there will be a Microsoft logo in the upper left.  Click that to pop up an instruction windows.  There are two steps: 1) Install and 2) Provision (activate).

Installing will download a program to run. Once that is run and installed, click the second step and the app will provision itself.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our office at 256-547-6817 or use the Chat window below.   Please note that this was not a  scheduled update, so we have many unexpected requests for help.  We may need to schedule a return call as a result.


2021-12-08T13:18:51-06:00December 8, 2021|News and Updates|Comments Off on 3CX Update

AWS Outage

December 7, 2021 –  AWS is the underlying infrastructure for a good portion of the web.  As such, the degradation of their services is affecting MANY sites and services.  These include, but are not limited to Control4’s 4Sight platform, social media websites, cloud software providers including practice management and accounting programs, and much more.  Directly affected are Amazon’s own services including Ring, Alexa, and their shopping/shipping services.  If you are having an issue online, chances are it is related to this ongoing issue.

Here are some links which provide more information, including details about today’s outage:

The AWS services dashboard:

Downdetector is a good source showing many sites which are reporting related issues:



Here at Network Solutions, Inc., we don’t rely on any AWS platforms, so our services are unaffected.


2021-12-07T14:34:18-06:00December 7, 2021|News and Updates|Comments Off on AWS Outage
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