Email System Maintenance
June 18, 2022 1:00pm – We are performing some required maintenance on the email system. There will be some brief interruptions in client (email program) connectivity and webmail availability. As part of this maintenance, we will also be performing some updates to security as well as usability including some modernizing of the webmail system. No email will be lost, but there may be some slight delivery delays. We’ll be posting updates here. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 256-547-6817 as email to may be affected.
Update 1:50pm – This maintenance has been completed with very minimal interruption to customers. If your email program had been left open during this maintenance, it is possible that it may prompt for a password. Closing the email program and re-opening should resolve this. As long as you do not enter a new password, the email program will remember the correct one which was being used.
Update 5:30pm – A customer notified us of an issue when connecting using SSL on port 465. This was a result of our maintenance and has been corrected.
In initial testing, we are seeing a noticeable speedup in the web interfaces for our system. In the coming months, we’ll be rolling out some additional features on the groundwork put in place today. The older Tuxedo interface has now been replaced by the “New Tuxedo” version with more features and better performance.
If you have any questions or concerns about the work performed, please contact us at 256-547-6817 or email