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So far tnolen has created 307 blog entries.

Gmail Blocking Email (Updated)

February 6, 2024 – 12:45pm –  We’re seeing email from the domain being blocked as spam by Google’s servers ( and others hosted with Google).   The message says something as follows:

—BEGIN failed after I sent the message.
Remote host said: 550-5.7.1 [       7] Gmail has detected that this message is likely
550-5.7.1 unsolicited mail. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, this
550-5.7.1 message has been blocked. For more information, go to
550 5.7.1 o20-20020a81de54000000b006041f08d2dfsi1515206ywl.160 - gsmtp


We have done some testing and found that not all domains we are sending are being blocked.  Some are going to the Spam folder instead of being blocked outright and some emails are getting through.   This seems to be happening because of some new policies being enforced by Google.   There are some articles online such as this one.  However, we have been authenticating our emails as Google is requiring for a very long time, so we don’t know why our domains would be affected.  Here is a report of our SPF record that Google is now requiring.

If you are seeing errors on your domain and it is not, please reach out to us by chat, call, or email at   We are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Update 4:25pm – This issue is ongoing where emails are being “hard bounced” to the sender.   Other accounts on our servers are being delivered but are winding up in the recipient’s “spam” folder more times than not.    We are going to institute a new policy against remote forwards and will be making a new post about that.  We will do our best to reach all customers who are utilizing these types of forwards.


March 11, 2024 – We seemed to finally fully emerge from Google’s penalty box over the weekend and continue to see normal deliveries today.  We are truly sorry for the issues and the fact that we can no longer forward email to Gmail accounts for customer convenience.   This is a direct result of spammers and the efforts email providers are making to make delivering spam harder.  Unfortunately, it also takes away some of the conveniences and workflows that legitimate people have grown accustomed to using.   Some of the things we are doing going forward:

  • We are making every effort to fix websites and other services whose email deliveries have been affected.
  • Deploying DKIM and DMARC for domains which we host.  We are doing this in an order based on the volume of email being produced, but are also responding to direct inquiries.
  • We are adjusting our normal SPF record policies fro Hard Fail to Soft Fail in an effort to help delivery.  Of course, we will deploy any policy requested by the customer on this.
  • We are now scanning OUTGOING email for spam content.  If it looks like spam to our filters, it will most likely look like spam to the receiving email provider.  We don’t want them thinking we are sending spam, so this is an effort to prevent that.
  • We have changed our policies on how websites authenticate web forms and are developing updated documentation to aid web developers in their deployment.  However, going forward our default recommendation for this is “don’t do web forms”.
  • We have updated our policies on the forwarding of emails and now do not allow “remote” forwards – those that forward email to an address outside of our systems.
  • We have updated our policies on authentication and now the email must be sent FROM the same email account which authenticates it.

We believe these updated policies will keep us safe from being blocked in the future and realize that they impact many users.   That is why we are here to help get any issues which customers find regarding these changes corrected.   If you have any ongoing problems with email, please contact us by phone at 256-547-6817 or email   Forwarding bounce messages as an attachment is always preferred.  Screenshots from mobile devices are rarely helpful in tech support situations.


2024-03-11T16:36:28-05:00February 6, 2024|News and Updates|Comments Off on Gmail Blocking Email (Updated)

Connectivity Issues – Updated 2/4/2024

January 30, 2024 – 2:00pm – We started receiving reports of some users having trouble reaching email, web, and/or cloud services about 1:45pm.   All servers/services in our datacenter are responding normally, but we are detecting a lot of route changes upstream.   This is especially affecting Spectrum, Comcast, and AT&T customers.  We have seen improvement, but there are a LOT of routes on the internet, and it does take time for those to settle out.   When repairs occur, the routes are changed again which can cause additional connectivity issues.

Customers are currently seeing  slow page loads and possible timeout errors with sending or receiving email.   This is an issue “upstream” of us, so we have no control over it. It is very similar to a traffic jam on the interstate and the authorities need time to clear it out.

We will be posting updates here as we find out more information.

Update 4:15pm – This does not seem to be improving as we had earlier thought.   It seems to be an ongoing hardware issue between “peers” upstream.    We are working with the providers to get information about an estimated time to repair.


Update 5:30pm – Things seem to have cleared up.  If you are still having issues, please let us know by emailing


Update February 4, 2024 -10:00am – This problem has cropped up again and seems to be a systemic issue with the interconnections of providers being overloaded.  We’re working on getting updates (again).

Update 10:50am – A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the results.


2024-02-04T10:56:12-06:00January 30, 2024|News and Updates|Comments Off on Connectivity Issues – Updated 2/4/2024

Inclement Weather

January 16, 2024 – Due to inclement weather and hazardous road conditions in our county and surrounding counties, our office will remain closed today.   Technical support will still be available via email at, by phone or text at 256-547-6817 by chat by using the chat window on the support page of our website.    We do apologize for the inconvenience but we need to insure the safety of our staff members.      We expect to return to the office for normal business hours tomorrow.



2024-01-16T07:10:52-06:00January 16, 2024|News and Updates|Comments Off on Inclement Weather

Email Delays to Microsoft

October 11, 2023 9:45am – We detected an increase in emails stuck in our queues that have not been successfully delivered.   After investigating, we’ve found that emails going to Microsoft 365 hosted emails are being delayed with a “Server Busy” message from the other side.   Downdetector is showing that users are reporting problems with Microsoft 365 services.

These emails are still “in line” to be delivered and once the issues at Microsoft are resolved, they should go through.   In the event that the emails are stuck for more than 4 hours, senders will receive a notification message indicating that there has been a delay but the message delivery will be retried for up to 5 days.   We assume that Microsoft will have the problem fixed by then.    We’ll post updates here as we have them.

Update  11:45am – Bleeping Computer has posted a story about the issue, saying it has to do with some new spam rules imposed by Microsoft.  Find the article here:   We can confirm that the error message mentioned in the article is what we are seeing in our logs.

Update 2:00pm – It looks like things have returned to normal.   We will continue to keep an eye on things, but all indications are that all backed up email messages have been delivered.


2023-10-11T14:13:57-05:00October 11, 2023|News and Updates|Comments Off on Email Delays to Microsoft

3CX Updates

August 7, 2023 – The next 3CX update is beginning to roll out and will be applied to all customers by the end of the week.  The new version is 18.8 and will likely be the last in the version 18 series.   Key features for this release include:

  • Simpler and better integration with Office 365
  • Search 365 contacts from within 3CX
  • Improved CRM integration – Search CRM contacts from within 3CX
  • New reports interface from within Web Client
  • Yealink T4 phones can now be used as router phone


Coming with the next release will be a requirement for a new user permission level called “System Owner”.   We believe this has been applied to all customers already, but version 18.8 will give a popup in the web client if this is not the case. Please let us know if you see this popup.

If you have any questions or concerns about the new version, please email, use the Chat link below, or call us at 256-547-6817.

2023-08-07T08:58:48-05:00August 7, 2023|News and Updates, VOIP|Comments Off on 3CX Updates

Voice Quality Issues

July 31, 2023 5:00pm – We have gotten reports of customers having call quality problems.  This is affecting some of our colocated and cloud hosted VOIP customers, including our internal phone system.  Voice quality for incoming sound is very degraded.   Our engineers have discovered an underlying networking symptom, but the root cause has not yet been determined.  We believe that the issue is upstream of our datacenter, and we have reached out to our preferred SIP provider for assistance.   We will be providing updates here as we get them.

Update August 1 7:00am – We have not yet received any news from upstream providers, but voice quality does seem somewhat improved this morning.  It does not seem to be completely fixed, but communication is possible.   Please note that *users* of the phone systems are experiencing the issue and hearing quality issues from people calling into their system.  The callers do not hear any issues.


2023-08-01T06:58:49-05:00July 31, 2023|News and Updates, VOIP|Comments Off on Voice Quality Issues

Comcast Issues

June 17, 2023 –  9:45am – Comcast is experiencing a major outage in the Gadsden and Rainbow City areas.   Some connections are still online and working but many businesses and homes are offline.   Comcast is apparently aware of the issue according to their phone system which won’t let you get any additional information.  There is not anything we can currently do to help the situation and this rests entirely in the Comcast system.   We will provide any updates we can here as we get them.

Update  11:20am – The issue seems to be resolved on Comcast’s end.  We’re seeing connections come back online.   If you are still experiencing issues, you may want to try rebooting your Comcast modem.  If that doesn’t work, first reach out to them at 800-COMCAST and if they tell you everything is good, give us a call and we’ll see what we can do for you.  Our number is 256-547-6817 or you can email






2023-06-17T11:23:36-05:00June 17, 2023|News and Updates|Comments Off on Comcast Issues

3CX Software Compromised (Updated)

March 30, 2023 – The 3CX phone system that we support has had a compromise of their client installer.  The system has been updating to version 18.7 this week with the majority of our customers upgrading last night.   This morning, it was announced that their Windows client had been compromised by bad actors.  Our antivirus solutions (assuming they are being used) are mitigating the isssue.   The domains used by the malware have also been shut down, so the risk has been lowered considerably.

The 3CX company is going to be issuing new certificates for their systems as well as pushing out new installers for the software.   The current recommendation is to uninstall the 3CX desktop application and used the web client instead.  However, we understand that this can be inconvenient to change.  The new installer should be pushed out tomorrow after the security certificates have been updated.

The 3CX company has posted an article on their website about this incident and are going to be posting updates there as more information is available.  Please check their article here:


If you have questions or concerns about this or would like assistance uninstalling the desktop client to change to the web client, please give our office a call at 256-547-6817.   We will be doing our best to get the systems updated “behind the scenes” as soon as updates are available.


Update:  The company has posted new information with instructions and recommendations as well as their plan to track the problem.  Please see their post at

Update 3/31/2023 – They have posted a new update about the certificate for the apps being invalidated.  Read it here:





2023-03-31T07:33:42-05:00March 30, 2023|News and Updates, VOIP|Comments Off on 3CX Software Compromised (Updated)

Connectivity Issues

January 4, 2023, 7:30am – Last night at approximately 12:45am through 1:15am, we experienced a large service interruption because of upstream issues centered around Atlanta, Ga.   This morning, some connectivity issues continue as routing is dynamically changing at the large provider networks.  We are experiencing intermittent connection issues as routes are shifted around problems on the internet.  It looks like most of this was caused by last night’s storms, but we have not received any confirmation about the problems as yet.   We can confirm that the issues are NOT happening in our datacenter and are outside of our direct control.   We are seeing problems affecting both voice and data.   We will be posting updates here as we get them.

Update 8:45am – It looks like things are improving now.   We are seeing normalization of connectivity.  There are still some localized outages which are most likely storm related.  We are working on those as we can.


Update January 30th, 4:00am – It is with great pleasure that I announce that AT&T has declared this ticket closed as of this morning, a mere 26 days after it being opened.   This closing of the ticket was our FIRST communication on the issue.  Great job as always AT&T!  Go team!


If you have any questions or are still affected by this, please email us at, text or call us at 256-547-6817, or use the chat window on this page to let us know.



2023-01-30T07:01:39-06:00January 4, 2023|News and Updates|Comments Off on Connectivity Issues

Holiday Closures

Network Solutions, Inc. will be closed for the Christmas holiday on Monday, December 26th, 2022.   Additionally, we will be closed for the New Year holiday on Monday, January 2, 2023.
Limited technical support without dispatch will be available the days we are closed by emailing  Chat, phone, and texting will be unavailable from Friday, December 23rd after 5:00pm to Tuesday morning at 8:00am on December 27th and again from Friday afternoon on December 30th to Tuesday morning January 3rd.

We wish all of our customers a Merry Christmas, and a safe, happy New Year!!

We look forward to serving you in the coming year!



2022-12-23T11:10:01-06:00December 23, 2022|News and Updates|Comments Off on Holiday Closures
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